About our Researchers
Kumari Issur
Kumari is Professor of Francophone literatures in the University of Mauritius. Her research areas include Francophone Indian Ocean and Caribbean literatures, Comparative literatura (postcolonial writing in English and French) and ecocriticism in Indian Ocean studies.
She is the co-founder and coordinator of the research group ReGIOSH (Research Group for IndianOceanic Studies in the Humanities). She has published widely on transoceanic configurations in prestigious journals and publishing houses. Her academic work has contributed enormously to the development of the concept of hydrocolonialism.

Her recent publications include:
“Mapping ocean-state Mauritius and its unlaid ghosts: Hydropolitics and literature in the Indian Ocean”, January 2020, Cultural Dynamics 32(1-2):117-131 DOI: 10.1177/0921374019900703;
“Mauritian Bhojpuri Language and Culture: Ideology and Representations”, in G.N. Devy & T. Vijay Kumar (eds.), Indian Languages in the Diaspora, Hyderabad, Orient Blackswan, 2022: 80-89
“A Passage to Mauritius: The ebb and flow of Kala pani in Hindustani cinema”, in Judith Misrahi-Barak & Ashutosh Bhardwaj (eds.), Kala Pani Crossings, Routledge, 2021: 135-147.